The Lions Youth Haven at Westwood Farm (private property) is a haven for youth at risk in our community.
Objectives of the Youth Haven:
Westwood Farm consists of 200 hectares of open native woodlands and introduced pasture plants, with native grasses and groundcovers along creeklines. Neighbouring reserves include the Bullen Range Nature Reserve and McQuoids Hill Nature Reserve. The dominant woodland trees are Blakely's Red Gums and Yellow Box, which are a component of the endangered Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Woodland ecological community. Older trees and dead standing trees have hollows which provide habitat for a number hollow-nesting birds, reptiles, frogs and invertebrates. Fallen timber is left to provide habitat for invertebrate species dependent on decaying wood for their survival. Nine small woodland birds have been recorded nesting in the foliage of young Blakely's Red Gum trees on the Farm: Diamond Firetail, Red-browed Finch, White-throated Gerygone, Western Gerygone, Mistletoebird, Yellow-rumped Thornbill, Weebill, Willie Wagtail and Grey Fantail. There are a number of horse agistment paddocks and a few larger stock grazing paddocks.
Significant sightings on the Farm include:
Since 1 Jan 2025, NatureMapr 44% of all sightings uploaded were NSW based, while 43% were from the ACT.The remaining 13% were from other states, with VIC coming in third at 5%.Strictly speaking, 67% o...
NatureMapr Data Collector 6.2.1 update
Critical nature positive infrastructure update
IMPORTANT NatureMapr Data Collector 6.2.0 mobile app update
Known issue affecting user registration via naturemapr mobile app
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