The Tree Skink or Crevice Skink is dark grey with scattered pale flecks over the back and a broad, dark ragged-edged lateral band. The upper lips and throat is white. It grows to 120 mm snout vent length and is found in open woodland and dry forest where it shelters in rock crevices, tree stumps, exfoliating bark and crevices of fallen and standing dead trees. The Tree Skink is often solitary but can form closely-related family groups on granite outcrops and occasionally large, mature river red gum trees along the Murray River. It is often seen basking on rock faces or fallen timber and will quickly disappear into a crevice when disturbed.
Egernia striolata is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga | Central West NSW | Hume
No sightings currently exist.